Saturday, January 07, 2012

Five Useful Blogging Tips!!!

Even though I am fairly new to blogging, I decided to give blogging tips of what I learnt from other bloggers.

First up, do not spam. I have received quite a few : I followed you, now follow me. Doesn't that seem harsh? You need to follow a blog because you actually have an interest in what she/he is writing about and not because you want to get more followers, and I think the ' follow me, I' ll follow back' method is really stupid and harsh. Though, you can say something like this in the comments : Cool! Great! Feel free to stop by my blog : {Blog URL}.

Second up, get involved in the blogging community and leave the Cool! Great! Feel free to stop by my blog : {Blog URL} comments, because lots of times, bloggers who read these comments will actually go and visit, and sometimes follow! I know I do that :D.

Third up, ask well-known bloggers with followers how they got their followers and got well-known. Lots will answer happily!

Get a Twitter account and promote your posts on it, and when you post a review of a book from and author on Twitter, tell them!

And finally, don't take blogging as a not-fun thing you have to do. Make it fun for both you and your readers. You can also call in sick if you want to take a little break; no one is going to blame you.

Don't take offense in these tips; they are only to help you out!


  1. Very good tips. Twitter is a huge asset. I have even used it to contact publishers to find out how to request ARCS and have never failed to get an answer. I am following you now also.

  2. Will definitely follow your advice. :D
    Following you now.

  3. Twitter is a good way both to increase followers and just to become more active in the blogging community. I held out on joining for quite awhile after starting my blog, but I joined recently and I'm glad I did! There are also cool Twitter events and giveaways that I was missing out on before.

    Great advice!

  4. Brilliant tips! I've never been a fan of follow for a follow, so instead I'll just leave you with my blog URL:

  5. Thank you for the tips! I really love the roses on the right as a ranking system. They are so cute! I would love to learn how to create my own. I recently just started a blog and if you are interested here is the link:

  6. Really useful, thanks!
    (And because I just learned something, here is my blog: )

  7. Thank you. I agree with the last thing you said. Why would you want to start a blog if you know you don't actually like blogging? Thanks again, I started following. :)

  8. I'd never thought of using twitter to promote my reviews! And telling the authors also sounds like a good idea, the author's bound to have more followers/readers than me! :D


  10. "Third up, ask well-known bloggers with followers how they got their followers and got well-known. Lots will answer happily!"

    I actually asked many well known bloggers for advice and they ended up very offended and angry. I have no idea why, they just didn't want to share their secrets. To them, blogging is a competition: the more followers the better change publishers will notice them and not everyone else.

    I've had experience with this; people have literally said they're not going to help and give no cares if my blog does well. Heck, when I was having trouble they left me in the dust saying "Oh, too bad".

    When someone comes to me for advice I give it... I try to include everyone because you always start out with 0 people. Beware that people don't like to share their "secrets" - especially bigger blogs.


  11. These really are great tips!
    I found the link on goodreads!

  12. Cool blog and thanks a lot for these tips!! :)

  13. Hi! These are really great tips! I am new to the blogger world as well and I can't for the life of me get any traffic on my blog site!! I review mostly YA and I also write my own stuff, so if you're interested, please stop by @
    it would be greatly apoappreciated!! Thanks so much
    - Farlebe

  14. New follower! Even though I've been blogging for a couple of years now it's always good to stay on top of things! Great post.

    AmandaEmma @ Little Miss Reader

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Awesome blog! These tips will definitely come in handy. How did you get the "Currently Reading" icon at the top right of your blog? Great post! Thanks! :)

  17. Awesome blog! These tips will definitely come in handy. How did you get the "Currently Reading" icon at the top right of your blog? Great post! Thanks! :)

  18. Great post! You have gained a follower :). - my blog.

  19. Thank you so much for posting this! Starting out as a book blogger has not been easy in my experience but after reading tips written by fellow bloggers it all feels much more achievable!

  20. OMG this was so useful, I edited and did some stuff accordingly. Thank you so much!

    If you have time, check out my blog! It's brand new.
