Have you notice how many books are now made in Graphic Novels? I have. And so, I just want to discuss. So, this time, the issue is :
Books to Graphic Novels
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First, I want to show you the shocking evidence :
And there are quite a lot upcoming Graphic novels!
Anyways, it seems like many Young Adult books (both popular and not that popular) are getting published into graphic novels. And, I love it. I love reading Vampire Academy : The Graphic Novel, although, since (I think), there is a movie coming up, it just messed up how I pictured the characters; I think that'S the only negative consequence about Graphic Novels.
Something good, is that it opens up to a whole new public; for example, I have this friend called Jean (this isn't her real name :D), and she loves Manga and Graphic Novels. She hates books without pictures in them. And so, if I wanted her to read Hush, Hush, she probably wouldn't want. But, if I'd show her the Graphic Novel, and she likes it, then maybe she'll give the real books a try!
Also, there is the fact that it can be read pretty quickly! I read Vampire Academy : The Graphic Novel in about 20-30 minutes. I needed more VA, and, instead of rereading the whole series, I read the Graphic Novel, and even though it wasn't as good as the real VA, I liked it.
But, sometimes, you take the chance that, by reading a Graphic Novel, you won't like it, but you loved the real book, and so, it will maybe ruin your opinion of the book, or maybe not.
What do you think? Any thoughts you wanna share? Have you ever read a graphic novel? Did you like it? Leave your answers below!